
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The difference between Flowers and Stones

With camera in hand I watched Charity bounce from flower to flower drinking in the scent like there was no tomorrow.

“Take a picture of me smelling the flowers!” she suggested. I took one.
 “Take another picture…” I turned around to see her little noise buried in a cement slab.
I laughed. She laughed too and we walked on.

 A stone could never match a spring flowers fragrance, no matter how hard you sniff it.

Flowers are easily crushed and broken, stones are not…

 Flowers are fragrant, stones are not.

I would rather be fragile, easily broken, easily crushed but emitting fragrance for my Lord,
 than indestructible and safe from harm, with none of His glorious scent releasing from my life. 


  1. We thought the comment about Charity's nose being buried in a cement slab was pretty characteristic of our little darling! ;)


  2. Hmmm... I seem to have seen that picture of Charity somewhere before. :) It's a sweet picture!
    It's not often that I think about the difference between stones and flowers, but I needed to think about it this morning. That was a blessing. Thanks so much for sharing what the Lord helped you see in His creation. I will never forget the walk we took down the lane in 2005.... we talked about how neat it was that God had put spiritual analogies everywhere in His creation... even in plants. :) I love you!
