
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Castle Building

Castle building” that’s what Fenelon calls it. 

You’re living in a log cabin, but you’re building a castle in your mind. It is dangerous. It might not feel dangerous, but there is one major problem with those seemingly harmless imaginations….they mostly benefit me, they put me in a good light, arrange a nice future for me.
And then there are those imaginary dialougues in which you always seem to come up with the wisest, wittiest things to say, leaving the other person somewhat in awe…of you

We are blinded to the Enemy’s bait.

It is not just effecting you alone, thoughts detained in our minds leak out through our actions.

But there is Hope and a very effective cure!
It is possible to have a mind set on Jesus alone, where Reality reigns and the Spirit directs what is permitted in your mind and what is not.  

What to do then, when you sense your mind beginning to wonder away to fantasies near or far? 
" try and stop them forcefully and you might as well try to stop a torrent... "

Simply begin to change the way your mind views such imaginings. Don’t voluntarily except them.
 Turn your mind to Jesus. And drop off castle building and become useful in another way. 

No, the above picture is not mine! As of yet I have never seen a 'real' castle, but thanks to National Geographic I had a wide selection to choose from. Quotations are from Fenelon's Spiritual Letters to Women


  1. "Be persuaded, timid soul," writes Archbishop Fenelon, in his SPIRITUAL LETTERS TO WOMEN, "that He has loved you too much to cease loving you."

    This is the quote I was telling you about that was also in Elisabeth Elliot's devotional on this day..



  2. Thank you, Whit! I need to know this.
