In each trial sent from God’s hand there is a gift at the center. In order to experience that gift and the joy that it brings we must entirely commit ourselves to it, or really… to Him.
Trials come to visit very often in this life. They come and go, and sometimes… they stay a while, a very long while.
It’s easy to consider them unwelcome guests; that life is paused, that joy is muffled until they take their leave.
But that’s not the way of our Lord. Jesus had more trials, more sorrows than us all, yet He also had more joy than we can imagine.
He committed himself to the Father. And the Father gave Him joy unspeakable.
We NEED His joy; it is our strength for tomorrow.
“For just as Christ’s (own) sufferings fall to our lot [as they overflow on His disciples, and we share and experience them] abundantly, so through Christ comfort and consolation and encouragement are also [shared and experienced] abundantly by us.” Amplified
"If any sincere Christian cast himself with his whole will upon the Divine Presence which dwells within him, he shall be kept safe unto the end. What is it that makes us unable to persevere? Is it want of strength? By no means. We have with us the strength of the Holy Spirit. When did we ever set ourselves sincerely to any work according to the will of God, and fail for want of strength? It was not that strength failed the will, but that the will failed first. If we could but embrace the Divine will with the whole love of ours, cleaving to it and holding fast by it, we should be borne along as upon 'the river of the water of life.' We open only certain chambers of our will to the influence of the Divine will. We are afraid of being wholly absorbed into it. And yet, if we would have peace, we must be altogether united to Him." ~H.E. Manning